How to play

Bocce is played with 2 teams, each throwing 4 balls.

Each team has 2-4 players. For leagues, we recommend teams of 4. The team will split up and take turns with 2 people throwing from one side, and 2 from the other.

The team whose ball is closest to the white pallina ball will have the first toss, starting the game. The player can toss the pallina any distance as long as it passes the center line of the court and avoid touching the end wall. If the player fails to properly play the pallina, a member of the opposing team will then throw. If the opposing team also fails, the toss reverts to a member of the original team.

The player tossing the pallina must then toss the first ball. The colored balls must also pass the center of the court, and avoid hitting the opposite barrier wall without making contact with another ball first. Any ball that touches the end of the court without touching another ball is considered a ‘dead’ ball and will be removed from the court. If this happens, the same team rolls again until a first ball is put into play. The goal is to compete for your team’s balls to remain closest to the white pallina.

** All balls must be thrown underhanded.

** For each ball toss, the player throwing must possess a beverage in hand. Water bottles count.

At the end of each frame, points will be awarded. One point is awarded for each ball that is closer to the pallina than the closest ball of the opposing team. Only balls which are distinguishably closer to the pallina than any of the opponent's balls are awarded points. All measurements should be made from the center of the pallina to the edge of a Bocce ball. Games are played to 12 points.